Learn what Memcached is and how come lots of people try it for their databases.
Memcached is a content caching system, which is used to optimize the performance of database-powered sites by caching the queries and the responses between the user and the server. In simple terms, every time a particular web page on such a site is opened, the script connects to its database to get the information that should be displayed to the visitor. In case the latter clicks on a link to open another web page, the entire operation is repeated and this leads to lots of database queries and higher server load, particularly if the website has lots of simultaneous visitors. Memcached "memorizes" this information exchange, so in case any of these web pages is visited again, the script no longer needs to fetch any content from the database, as everything is delivered by the Memcached platform. Thus, the overall load speed of your website will "soar" and you will enjoy more happy visitors and they will be able to browse your site faster. What’s more, the Memcached platform "refreshes" its cache every time any information in the database is altered, so the visitors will never wind up seeing old data.
Memcached in Cloud Web Hosting
Memcached is available as an upgrade with each and every cloud web hosting plan offered by our company and if you want to use it for any script-driven Internet site that you host on our leading-edge cloud web hosting platform, you’ll be able to enable it in a few easy steps through your Hepsia Control Panel. During the process, you’ll be offered the option to upgrade two separate features – the instances and the system memory. The first one refers to the number of the sites that can use the Memcached data caching system at the same time, so if you need it for several Internet sites, you can order a handful of instances. The second one refers to the total amount of memory that Memcached will be able to use in order to cache content, so for numerous sites (or for one single large-size site), you should get more memory for better results. The memory comes in increments of 16 megabytes and more memory can be ordered at any point. With the Memcached caching system, each script-powered website hosted on our servers will open blazing-fast.