Full DNS Management in Cloud Web Hosting
If you purchase a cloud web hosting through us, you're going to have full DNS control for each and every domain name through your Hepsia hosting CP. With just a couple of mouse clicks you are going to be able to see all existing records for a specific Internet domain or subdomain, or you can set up any type of new record - A, AAAA, MX, CNAME, SRV, TXT and so on. These records are used for many purposes - determining the web or mail server, using a domain name for a VOIP host name, and so on. You are also going to have the ability to create private name servers for any domain name registered through us. The DNS Records section of the CP is user-friendly and with a comprehensive Help section where you can find more info about the purpose of the various records and the way to create them. The DNS administration services come as a part of the plans and at no additional charge.